Our Journey
Jul 12, 2019
July 12th, 2019
Artemis Supports is incorporated.
Jul 12, 2019
November 1st, 2019
Artemis Supports is Qualified by the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP).
Jul 12, 2019
January 9th, 2020
Artemis Supports hires first staff.
Jul 12, 2019
January 21st, 2020
Met with first Individual and her family.
Jul 12, 2019
January 30th, 2020
First service provided!
Jul 12, 2019
August 6th, 2024
As of August 2024, our staff of 14 plus team members, helps out over 20 people throughout Westmoreland County!
Why Artemis?
Artemis began its journey in March of 2019 as a means to address the direct support professional (DSP) crisis, and ultimately make an impact on the unmet needs in Westmoreland County. Inadequate wages, emotional burnout, and high turnover among DSPs result in inconsistent support to individuals in need of services, which disrupts and limits their progress toward independence.
It is Artemis’ mission to support Individuals in achieving or maintaining a full, inclusive, independent and meaningful lifestyle.
Competency-based training, competitive wages, opportunities for career growth, recognition of their professional skills, and programs to manage stress and eliminate burnout are among the ways we care for our service providers and address their own needs. By investing in and caring for our workforce, we not only create rewarding, long-term employment opportunities for DSPs, but doing so allows us to offer superior and stable care to the individuals we serve.

What Our Logo Represents:
The arrow denotes the trajectory in the Lifecourse Framework Materials. This is the arrow that is always pointing toward our outcomes, our life’s work, and dreams. It is what led us to all of you and, hopefully, to many others in the future!
The font was chosen because it seemed to be playful but not childlike. To us, it seemed to have a pleasant and carefree flow to it – the way life should be.
We chose the colors because we are one with nature! We wanted our logo to represent our staff because we do our best work when surrounded by the things we love. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that you, too, have every opportunity to constantly be immersed in and surrounded by the things, people, and activities you love. We want to achieve this by providing you with the supports you need to make this happen. The purple represents the night sky and the color green represents our great, green earth.